We believe that found people find people, and saved people serve people. This means that as a church we reach out to others with the love of Jesus, whether they live next door or around the world. NOEFC is active in our community. From service weekends and ministries developed by our own members to partnerships with vital organizations in our neighborhoods, our church wants to live out God’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Sleep in Heavenly Peace in W Cuyahoga County, provides beds to children without beds. Since 2021, this chapter has delivered 749 beds while having 569 children on a waiting list. Volunteers over the past three years have given over 3,214 hours of their time to help build and deliver beds to local children. North Olmsted Friends is a proud supporter of this local community outreach. For more information and learn how to get involved visit Home – Sleep in Heavenly Peace (shpbeds.org).

LIFT/Bridge Street Outreach
L.I.F.T. (Loving Individuals Forming Transformation) is the parent organization that oversees two ministries. Through our Bridge Street Outreach we care for our homeless friends on the street. Through Restoring Broken Vessels, we provide resources to faith-based communities in the form of mental health coaching and support services.
Every Saturday morning a team goes out to love on the shelter resistant homeless by providing a hot breakfast and letting them know that they are loved by God. Join us to prepare breakfast and serve our Kingdom family.
Women’s Prison Ministry
We seek to provide a Bible Study every Wednesday from 6–8 PM at the Northeast Reintegration Center women’s prison in Cleveland on East 30th Street. Female volunteers who can commit to once a month are always welcome! There is a mandatory clearance and training program that needs to be completed prior to going into the prison. Our Women’s Prison Ministry is led by Marsha Snavely (Marsha@genesissafety.com) and Mary Wohleber (wohleberm@yahoo.com)
Men’s Prison Ministry
Kairos of Ohio ministers to male prisoners and prison staff at Grafton Correctional Institution. This includes a ministry weekend for men to provide one-on-one mentoring and prayer for the prisoners who participate in the Kairos weekend. There are many other opportunities to get involved during the weekend and through the year. To find out more or to get involved, contact Darrell Jett (jett7784@roadrunner.com), or visit www.kairosohio.org.
Love INC
Cuyahoga & Lorain Counties – You can get involved with Love INC if you are skilled in plumbing or auto repair or have a heart for mentoring or visitation. Volunteer with Love INC by completing a Talent Survey. You can complete the survey online. Leave His imprint on someone’s life!

Child Evangelism Fellowship
Do you feel called to share the gospel message in the public schools? Contact Suzanne Aldrich (saldrich992@gmail.com) to find out how you can host a Good News club or volunteer in other ways.
Nursing Home Ministries
We serve at two area nursing home and senior centers during the year on a regular basis. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please contact the following individuals:
- Renaissance, Dave Swartz, 440.327.6816
- Westlake Village, Judy Crandall 440.759.4494
Maraan Academy
Malawi, Africa
NOEFC is partnering in Martin M’Tambo’s vision to provide quality Christian education in his home country of Malawi. Maraan Academy opened in 2021 with 12 student scholarships funded through our church.
In July 2024, we sent a mission team from the church to celebrate the first graduating class of the Maraan Academy. Our vision over the next 10 years is to introduce 100 individuals to the people of Malawi through mission trips. To learn how you can financially support the students of Maraan Academy the link below or watch Martin’s story.


Fain Family

DeLoach Family
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea

Nick & Ruthanne Chadd
Josiah Venture, Easter Europe
Operation Christmas Child
We support the shoebox ministry that delivers love and hope to children around the world each year. Get involved by collecting items throughout the year, helping to pack boxes or supporting our church’s operation as a regional collection center.
Each box blesses a little heart who will get to have an opportunity to learn more about Jesus through these donations. It’s more than a box—it’s a message of love, from God and through us, to those little ones.
For any questions regarding the OCC shoebox collection, contact Dave Swartz at 440.327.6816.
Evangelical Friends Mission
Through our denomination, we support the work of Friends missionaries around the world as part of Evangelical Friends Mission. For more information about this work, visit friendsmission.com.
The harvest here is indeed great, and the laborers are few and
imperfectly fitted, without much grace, for such a work.
imperfectly fitted, without much grace, for such a work.
And yet grace can make a few feeble instruments the means
of accomplishing great things—things greater even.
– Hudson Taylor, pioneering missionary to China
of accomplishing great things—things greater even.
– Hudson Taylor, pioneering missionary to China