Click HERE for the Youth Ministry WINTER 2024 & 2025 Calendar!
6th-12th graders meet on Sunday morning from 11am-12:15pm in the Upper Room.
The High schoolers meet together in the main room while middle school meets in the Fishbowl. On the last Sunday of the month the youth group attends the 11 AM service together.

PinC (Precious in Christ) and STRonG (Seeking Total Reliance on God) are small groups that are divided by both grade and gender;
PinC for gals and STRonG for guys.  

Groups meet at the church on the last Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8pm.




Taking time away from the normal schedule of life can offer us a new perspective and opportunity to engage with God.  Our teens embark on a mission trip and fall retreat each year.  These experiences are key for genuine friendships within our group! Contact Adrianne for dates and more information.  

Wednesday night youth group is the highlight of our week!  All teens in 6th-12th grade meet from 6:30-8pm in the Upper Room for games, worship, bible lessons, and fellowship.  We’re a casual group and excited to accept anyone as they are.  All are welcome to join! 
For more information contact our Youth Pastor, Adrianne Nolan, at