Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11 AM at North Olmsted, 11 AM at Elyria,










Welcome! Please let us know you were visiting by using the online “Connect Card.” When you join us in person, please stop by our Welcome Center located in the Atrium to find out how you can get further connected in ministry at Friends.

Pray for our Missionaries:

Ruthanne & Nick Chadd – Josiah Venture
Danny Deloach – Papua New Guinea
M’Tambo Family/Maraan Academy – Malawi
Briggs & Jen Schuett – Slavic Village, Cle
David & Courtney
Those serving in sensitive areas


General Budget 2023 (N. Olmsted)
$ 651,740.51
General Offerings 2023 (N. Olmsted)
$ 628,744.51
Generations of Faith Commitments
$ 1,060,973.56
Generations of Faith Giving 
$ 732,624.31


WEDNESDAY FAMILY FELLOWSHIP MEAL // Wednesdays @ 6 pm, FLC // Join our Wednesday evening activities, beginning with a family fellowship meal weekly at 6 pm. For more information or to register for the meal ($7/person/week, $20 max/family/week) visit the website Spotlight or write “Wed Meal” on your Connect Card!
GUEST RECEPTION // Sunday, Oct. 27 @ 12:30 pm, Family Life Center // Are you relatively new to North Olmsted Friends? We would like to invite you to lunch with the pastoral staff. Learn about the life and ministry of the church and get some of your questions answered. RSVP by writing “GR” on your Connect Card, or call the church office.
PASTOR/STAFF APPRECIATION MONTH // From our Elders: October is Pastor and Pastoral Staff Appreciation Month. Please visit the table outside the FLC if you’d like information on how you can be a part of honoring our amazing staff this month.
YOUTH FALL RETREAT // Nov. 1-3 // Teens 6th-12th grade are invited to the annual Youth Fall Retreat at Camp Gideon this November! For more info reach out to Pastor Adrianne or visit
CHRISTMAS MARKET CRAFT FAIR VOLUNTEERS // Volunteers are needed to help with the Nov. 15-16 NOEFC Christmas Market craft fair. Stop by the table in the Atrium today or contact Darlene Wilke,
ELYRIA WARMING DRIVE // Our warming drive has kicked off for the season! We’re
collecting donations of new hats, scarves, gloves and socks through Dec. 6 to distribute
through our Elyria campus to those in need. Items may be placed in the collection box by
the church office. For info or to volunteer: Naomi Kropp,
MEN’S RETREAT: LEAD LIKE JESUS // Jan. 10-11, Brooklyn Exchange Club Cabin, Hinckley // Men, join us for our first-ever retreat this winter. Looking to scripture and the testimony of our brothers, we will learn practical methods to “Lead Like Jesus” in our households, workplaces, and daily lives. We will also make plenty of time for fun and fellowship! Cost: $50 for the weekend. Info & registration at the Atrium table today!
MARAAN SCHOLARSHIP DRIVE // Help provide scholarships for the students of Maraan Academy in Malawi. For more information, visit the table in the Atrium or click HERE
HURRICANE RELIEF // TODAY is the last opportunity to donate toward our Hurricane
Helene relief effort. Donation drop off is in the south parking lot (Kids Wing side of the
building) today from 9 am–noon & 2–4 pm, then the truck will be leaving for North Carolina.
For donation list and details, click HERE.